We’d another fantastic Allcare Virtual Academy hosted by our amazing GPO Louise and her assistant Emma last week! We were delighted to be able to host safe and secure sessions for all the boys and girls and today we had an extra special visit from the Easter Bunny!! Well done to all who took part and see you next week!!! Keep an eye on our website, www.skerriesharps.ie for more details on evens coming up.
We had no Jackpot or Dividend Winner this week. Zingo Result: 5-7-4-3-6-2-1. Next week's Jackpot is a cool €3,100. Dividend €400. Next Draw will take place on Sunday the 19th of April in the Clubhouse at 6:30pm. How do you win! You buy a ticket! You can also play on line at skerriesharps.ie and follow the links. Entries only €2 each or 3 for €5.
Stay safe,
